

DISAB Centurion™ LN20

Powerful vacuum truck for dry and wet material

 DISAB Centurion™ LN20 is a vacuum loader designed to handle tough industrial environments where you need to use suction and blowing for dry or wet material. The powerful absorbency makes the vacuum unit suitable for industries such as cement, energy, steel, foundry, contracting, power and heating plants.



A powerful vacuum on truck chassis

DISAB SDR-20T™ is a mobile and diesel-powered vacuum extractor mounted on truck chassis. The vacuum unit is easy to move between different buildings or places where you have cleaning needs and handles both dry and wet material.



A powerful vacuum extractor on truck chassis

DISAB SDR-10T™ is a mobile and diesel-powered vacuum extractor mounted on a truck chassis. The vacuum unit is easy to move between different buildings or places where you have cleaning needs. Use as a standalone vacuum extractor or as part of a fixed vacuum system.


DISAB Centurion ™ P10

A vacuum loader for tough environments.

The DISAB Centurion™ P10 is a flexible vacuum loader with many options. Designed to cope with tough industrial applications where both dry and wet material is handled. With its powerful vacuum unit, the material is efficiently sucked up – both vertically and horizontally.